Two Rivers Marathon Race Festival 10th Anniversary
Join us on 03/27/2025
(race date estimated)Two Rivers Marathon Race Festival 10th Anniversary Description
10th Anniversary
Two Rivers Marathon Race Festival
March 26-27, 2022
Maniac and Fanatic friendly!
10th Anniversary of the Two Rivers Marathon Race Festival
The Two Rivers Marathon and Half Marathon has been selected to be the National Race for the Marathon Maniacs and Half Fanatics Clubs. We want to be the most fun race out there!
All Maniacs and Fanatics who register will receive:
- A pair of socks with the Two Rivers logo and Maniacs or Fanatics knitted into the socks.
- An embroidered jacket with the Two Rivers logo and Maniacs or Fanatics embroidered into the jacket.
- VIP tented area for gathering, lounging, food and portapotties.
- I Did the Double shirt if you race both days.
- I Boston Qualified shirt if you run a BQ time.
- Other fun surprises!
2022 Sample Interlocking Medals
If you aren't a Maniac or Fanatic, it will still be a fantastic race!
You'll receive all the cool stuff that we regularly have, such as:
- Embroidered jackets.
- I Ran the Double shirts if you race both days.
- I Qualified for Boston shirt if you run a BQ time.
- Hawaiian lei at the finish line
- The finish line bell to celebrate any achievement you'd like.
- You'll get logo socks as well.
2022 Sample Embroidery Jacket
The Course
- The marathon (2 loops) and half marathon (one loop) will be run on Rte 590/Towpath Road.
- This course is equivalent to miles 11.75 to 18.64 on the old course. This course will start at the finish area in the park, turn right on Rte 590, go over the bridge and go left for almost 6+ miles.
- A course map is here. It shows one loop of the course. Double it for the marathon.
- We'll have an open start line for the marathon and half marathon.
- You can start anytime between 06:45 - 09:00 am.
- If you'd like to start before 06:45 am, just let me know and I'll get you off and running!
- You can start anytime between 06:45 - 09:00 am.
- The marathon will have a 6 hour time limit.
- Please start early if you think you may exceed the 2:30 pm course closure.
- We'll have the finish arch up for you and have your finisher's medal ready for you!
- Please start early if you think you may exceed the 2:30 pm course closure.
- Map My Run link
2022 Sample Boston Qualifier T-Shirt
I know there are different definitions about course descriptions. What is a hill to one is only a boomp to another. What we can say about the elevation on the course is this:
- The low point of the course is at 617'.
- The high point is 5 miles later at 821.'
- This means in 5 miles on the way out to the turnaround, you 'climb' 204.'
- That calculates to a grade/climb of .77%.
- This means the climb is less than 1%.
- You are running with the Lackawaxen River on your left on the way out to the turnaround.
- This will be the less than 1% climb going out.
- You'll also have less than 1% elevation loss on the way back to the start/finish area (You'll do this twice for the marathon.)
- 5k and 10k courses will remain the same.
- Marathon will be on a certified course
- Saturday slots are 7:45 am start for the marathon and 9 am start for the half marathon.
2022 Sample T-Shirt
Aid stations
- There will be three aid station on the course, which means you'll have 6 aid stations per loop (13.1 miles).
- The aid stations will be self-serve, with sealed small water and Gatorade bottles.
- There will be plenty of garbage cans on the course.
- Athletes are responsible for putting used water, Gatorade, bananas, gels, or similar items in the garbage cans.
- The township has requested a zero garbage on the ground policy for health reasons.
- There will be garbage cans 50 yards on each side of the aid station, as well as a garbage can placed halfway to the next aid station.
- There will not be any marathon pacers for the Saturday marathon in order to minimize grouping of athletes.
2022 Sample Logo Socks
What fun stuff will there be?
- If you register by November 30, 2020, or you do two races on two days, you'll receive a very nice jacket.
- If you register after that, you'll receive a very nice tech shirt.
- All athletes who race on two days will still receive a jacket.
- All athletes who register by January 1, 2022 will receive wearable speakers made by Zulu Audio.
- If you post a Boston Qualifying time in the marathon, you'll receive an "I Qualified for Boston At the Two Rivers Marathon" shirt.
- We'll have interlocking finisher's medals for 2022.
- The shirts are gender specific this year!
- We will have post race food. It will be the FAMOUS FOOD TRUCK!
2022 Sample Lanyard for all non-Fanatic/Maniac Runners
Finisher's Medals
- The artwork for the two interlocking finisher's medals is complete! They look fantastic!
- Our finisher's medals are not yet in production.
- Saturday finishers will receive the left side medal and Sunday finishers will receive the right side medal.
- They interlock nicely! Nice size at 4" also!
Refunds with Ticket Guardian

- For 6% of your entry fee ($4.20 for a $60 entry), you'll be able to get a refund, withdraw or defer for any reason from the event.
- Please read the details on what is covered by Ticket Guardian prior to purchasing it. It's a great service. I just want you to know what is and isn't covered.
- We want you to have a great time at our event.
Please reach out to the Race Directors with any questions. JC Santa Teresa, or Mark Hughes, or call 1-570-470-4922
Race Map Link
Event schedule
Contact information

- Location: Lackawaxen Park Hawley , PA 18428
- Race Date: 2022/03/27 12:00:00 AM (Sunday)
- Marathon March 26 2022
- Combo Platter 5K/10K March 26
- Combo Platter 5K/10K March 27
- Marathon March 27 2022
- Half Marathon March 26 2022
- Half Marathon March 27 2022
- 10K March 26 2022

Two Rivers Marathon Race Festival 10th Anniversary Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Light snow showers.

Contact Information
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